This country fascinates me! Everywhere I look, something new catches my eye. I don't know for sure, but I am almost certain there is no more captivating and innovative a town in Germany than Neu Isenburg. It is lovely, filled with picturesque sights, very old and beautiful structures, and all of the latest and most innovative things as well, but is the people which make it so special. Relationships and the communication which goes on within them are the exact essence of the human experience. In a place where the common people, not just those whose job it is to do so, welcome strangers from a foreign country with such ease and grace, you know you have found a rare and wonderful experience. So it has been for us in Neu-Isenburg. Many neighbors, church members, our landlady, her architect and his young and beautiful associate, all these charming folks have warmed our hearts and made us to feel so welcome in Germany. We hope to share many memories with them all, and to form lifetime relationships. That means my delicious little kitchen will be busy!

I'M MOVING TO GERMANY FROM TEXAS! I was born and raised in Texas, and lived there all my life. My husband's work has recently brought us to Germany, and I have fallen in love with this beautiful country and her lovely people. I am sharing my experiences here with all who share my enchantment with this old and wonderful place.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
I Have Always Loved Carrousels!
Sometimes as a photographer, you fall in love with a particular subject matter, and you just cannot make enough pictures of a delightful scene. That is what happened to me at the Neu-Isenburg, Germany local community Christmas Market. As I said, I have always loved carrousels! Of course my favorite subject matter is always beautiful children. The children of Neu-Isenburg are truly beautiful children!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
More Movie Star Barbies!
I am inventorying and making pictures of my Barbie doll collection as we move to Germany, and the collection is extensive. Sometimes work is so much fun! This hobby gives me so much enjoyment, not to mention making me the favorite Nana! In fact it makes friends of every child, or child at heart that I meet. I love sharing my collection with children. So perhaps I will make a friend of you too as I share my work/play!
Now who is this famous Barbie a representation of, certainly she is famous!
Do you recognize Erica Kane from the soap opera All My Children?
I own this doll in several costumes, she is lovely in all of them.
Perhaps you recognize her famous husband?
Frank Sinatra is of course easily recognized, and he came with a devoted fan!
I was lucky and was able to obtain two of these dolls
representing Doris Day, and she is escorted by Mr. Rock Hudson.
This doll is a representation of the famous character Lois Lane, from the movie Superman.
Last but not least, one of a set of characters I know you will immediately recognize. He is a beloved character from the movie The Wizard of Oz!
I can hear him singing now, If I Only Had a Brain!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Germany, You are Going to Love My Barbie Doll Collection!
I have always loved toys, especially dolls, and playing with them. Now you might think what is an almost 63 year old woman doing playing with dolls? As I have mentioned many times, my husband spent 30 years in the United States Army, retiring as a colonel, and works now for the State Department. We both have a great respect and admiration for those serving in our military, and their families who sacrifice and serve as well. Part of our ministry toward these our national heroes is to provide what we can to honor them and offer our hospitality. One of the things that we do is offer Barbie Doll themed parties for the little girls of military families, and while we are in Frankfurt we will pack up my Barbies and other dolls and toys, and provide a room where these special children can enjoy the stress relief that "pretend" play offers to children. So here are a few selections from my "movie star" collection. See if you can guess from the close up photos, what star the doll is honoring!
Well, I must get back to work, I have over two thousand Barbies to pack...
Did you guess 007?
Does she look like My Fair Lady?
I don't think this beauty is recognizable as the star she is made after...
Things are not in true proportion...
As the box shot shows, Dolly's eyes are much larger than portrayed, and they lift up at the corners.
Of course there is no guessing here...
Well, I must get back to work, I have over two thousand Barbies to pack...
I want to share my Barbie collection with Frankfurt!
Friday, September 12, 2014
There Are Pick Pockets In New Orleans, I Caught One With My Camera!!
They are quite obvious too!
The New Orleans Nature Museums are so much fun to visit!
In case you missed it, here is a close up of a whole gang of them trying to get my purse!
They loiter around waiting for opportunity...
Some will try to get your attention and distract you!
While others watch and wait for opportunity!
Other Places in the U.S. I Think Germans Would Love!
Other than our ranch in Texas, I think there are so many beautiful and exciting places that people from Germany would love to visit in the United States. I will share this w
eek some of the beautiful places there are to see. My husband is from New Orleans, and we love going there. One of the most vibrant places there is Jackson Square.
eek some of the beautiful places there are to see. My husband is from New Orleans, and we love going there. One of the most vibrant places there is Jackson Square.
Of course New Orleans is located right on the Mighty Mississippi River.
The Square is full of honors to General Stonewall Jackson of the Civil War fame.
There are so many delightful sights around the square. I enjoy the street artists so much.
Tomorrow I will feature them!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
When I Made My One and Only Trip to Germany
My daughter and her family lived in Germany for three years, and in November of 2012, I made the trip to visit her, we had so much fun! Shopping was a part of the fun!
Three generations of my family took the hill...
or the heel as it turned out, plus other desirable fashion items!
Found a $5.00 shoe sale in Germany!
It Was My Birthday Today, You Will Never Guess What I Did
I am packing, packing packing... but today was my birthday, so I took the evening off from packing...
Chance sang Happy Birthday to me, and I must say, he did very well...
Of course part of that might be because he wants to help me spend
my new Social Security check I will be collecting from now on...
He wants to spend it on Domino's new chicken dish
with cheese, pineapples, and jalapenos.
with cheese, pineapples, and jalapenos.
He loves that stuff almost more than life itself.
But wait... I didn't tell what I did on my birthday...
Not yet, I have to download the photos!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Well, We Are Changing Our Moving Plans!
The State Department has informed us that we are now headed to Germany where my husband will serve in the same position he is presently serving in! This is a disappointment to us, as we were pumped and ready to move to the Middle East together. I guess we will have to put our dreams of living in the Middle East on hold for awhile...
Guess I will pack some snow boots!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Now I Know Where to Look For Help Growing Plants Indoors in Kuwait!
Now I have found a great resource for help with growing plants indoors in places like Kuwait!
Friday, April 25, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
I Signed This Petition for Many Reasons
I signed the following petition on for many reasons, the first being the husband and wife, who are a mother and father, and who have been imprisoned in Qatar without cause. For them, for their children, and for the people of the Middle East, and those countries of the Middle East who desire to rise and take their place of honor in our world, I signed this petition.
For whatever reason, this complete injustice, (the reasons seem fairly apparent to me as being prejudice, corruption, and blatant bias,) has been committed against this family who saw opportunity and a happy life being available in the country of Qatar.
Of course no one, nor any other government of the world really has any say so in what the country of Qatar does... but the people of that country do... I KNOW there are good men and women in that country with the leadership skills, integrity, power, and honor to change this situation without the consideration of anyone or anything outside of their country interfering, bringing pressure, or in any other way influencing the justice system of Qatar from the outside.
I call upon those favored and blessed of God men and women of Qatar to move to do before the world what is right and just, and to, for the sake of the honor and reputation of their country and their people exert the power of their own righteousness before God and man, and free the man and woman, who are husband and wife, mother and father, to innocent children, and restore this family, and the reputation before the world of Qatar and her people. May your country be favored and blessed by God for the honor of those who serve in your country who are devoted to Qatar and her people. The road which Qatar takes in this matter will be observed by myself, and the entire world. May God guide you all wisely, for ultimately, that is to whom we all must answer.
For whatever reason, this complete injustice, (the reasons seem fairly apparent to me as being prejudice, corruption, and blatant bias,) has been committed against this family who saw opportunity and a happy life being available in the country of Qatar.
Of course no one, nor any other government of the world really has any say so in what the country of Qatar does... but the people of that country do... I KNOW there are good men and women in that country with the leadership skills, integrity, power, and honor to change this situation without the consideration of anyone or anything outside of their country interfering, bringing pressure, or in any other way influencing the justice system of Qatar from the outside.
I call upon those favored and blessed of God men and women of Qatar to move to do before the world what is right and just, and to, for the sake of the honor and reputation of their country and their people exert the power of their own righteousness before God and man, and free the man and woman, who are husband and wife, mother and father, to innocent children, and restore this family, and the reputation before the world of Qatar and her people. May your country be favored and blessed by God for the honor of those who serve in your country who are devoted to Qatar and her people. The road which Qatar takes in this matter will be observed by myself, and the entire world. May God guide you all wisely, for ultimately, that is to whom we all must answer.
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